Vendor Management

WARM Program Audit Form

Copyright 2007, FirstEnergy Corporation Permission to copy must be granted through FirstEnergy Corporation Human Services Dept Revised Date: 07/15/2019

Customer Info:

When seasonal allowance cannot be used (customer does not have 6 bills based on actual meter readings within a year), use default spending guidelines. Please note: Costs associated with any health and safety issues may not exceed 50% of the seasonal spending allowance


Demographic/Dwelling Information required by the PUC & entered in LEEN by contractors:

Refer to Procedures Manual for "Preparing for an Audit" Document (REMINDER: Plug in refrigerator monitoring devices)
sq. ft.
sq. ft.
(Enter actual number; enter "0" if none.)

Customer Interview (Introduce the Partnership Concept)

Customer Interview

(Introduce the Partnership Concept)

LED Night Lights - Smart Power Strips - Furnace Whistles - CO Alarms -

Act 129

(No install limit, no warranty)
Up to 4/household SPS
# of Existing Alarms less than 5 years old:

LED bulbs are non-warranted. Install these bulbs in lights that are used and average of one (1) hour or more a day.

Your goal is to install as many LEDs as possible in each customer's home.

LED Replacement Wattage

LED Bulbs
LE 3 LE 4 LE 5 LE 7 LE 8 LE 9 LE 10 LE 14
8 Watt Flood 13 - 14 Watt Flood 17 Watt Flood 2.3 Watt Globe 3.5 Med-Base Torpedo 13-14 Watt Retrofit Kit 3-Way 10 Globe Location

LED Replacement Wattage

LED Bulbs
LE 15 LE 16 LE 17 LE 18 LE 19 LE 20 LE 21 LE 22 LE 23
9-13 Watt Standard Bulb 450-799 Lumens 9-13 Watt Standard Bulb 800-1099 Lumens 9-13 Watt Standard Bulb 1100-1599 Lumens 3.7-4.8 Watt Candelabra 150-299 Lumens 3.7-4.8 Watt Candelabra 300-499 Lumens 3.7-4.8 Watt Candelabra 500-699 Lumens 6-8 Watt Standard Bulb 310-450 Lumens 6-8 Watt Standard Bulb 450-799 Lumens 6-8 Watt Standard Bulb 800-1099 Lumens Location


Number of refrigerators used

Test all units five years or older. If any unit was not tested, please use a web-based database to determine annual usage.

Existing Refrigerator and Freezer Testing Data

kWh Guidelines for Replacement: Test units for as long as possible but factor the test results back to a one hour reading. In order to meet the daily minimum guidelines for replacement the kWh must reach the kWh/Hour Minimum listed below by the end of one hour of monitoring. If at any time during the first hour of monitoring the meter reaches the kWh/Hour Minimum, the tester will indicate that the refrigerator is likely to qualify for replacement.

To get KWH/Hour test results:

Divide total kWh recorded by the monitor, by the number of minutes that the monitor has been on. Your answer will be the number of kWhs consumed per minute. Multiply this by 60 minutes to get the kWh usage for one hour. This is shown by the formula below. (Refer to chart on page 4-54 of the Policy and Procedures Manual)

Total kWhs recorded by monitor = kWhs per minute x 60 minutes = kWh per one hour

Number of minutes monitored

Refrigerator Size kWh/Hour Minimum Replacement
15 cu ft or less .08 kWh 15 cu ft
16 - 19 cu ft .10 kWh 17 or 18 cu ft
20 - 21 cu ft .11 kWh 21 cu ft
22 cu ft or larger .12 kWh 20 - 25 cu ft
Ambient Air Temperature Immediately Surrounding the Refrigerator during Testing
5 degrees (or more) hotter than average 0.88 factor
Average annual temperature for room* 1.00 Factor
5 degrees (or more) cooler than average 1.13 Factor
*If not known
by customer, use 70 degrees F

Water Mark

Primary refrigerator:

Secondary Refrigerator:

Water Mark

Additional Refrigerator:

If space is needed for additional refrigerators, please use comment section on next page.


Number of freezers used
Existing Freezer Type Existing Freezer Size If existing one hour of
use is:
Chest Less than 8 cf Greater than .064 kWh Replace existing unit
Chest 8.1 to 12.9 cf Greater than .084 kWh Replace existing unit
Chest 13 to 15.5 cf Greater than .103 kWh Replace existing unit
Chest 15.6 cf or larger Greater than .154 kWh Replace existing unit
Upright Less than 10 cf Greater than .074 kWh Replace existing unit
Upright 10.1 to 12.9 cf Greater than .103 kWh Replace existing unit
Upright 13 to 15.5 cf Greater than .123 kWh Replace existing unit
Upright 15.6 or larger Greater than .154 kWh Replace existing unit

Primary Freezer:

Secondary Freezer:

Additional Freezer:

Washer and Dryer Assessment

Dryer venting details:

Semi-Rigid Aluminum Flex used. Why?

Electric Water Heating Assessment

Are you going to: Yes No
Replace or add expansion tank
Replace Element(s)
Replace Thermostats
Flush Tank?
Add/replace pressure relief valve
Add/replace pressure relief pipe
Changed Wiring
Changed Breaker
If yes, set both elements to the same temperature.
(No lower than 125 degrees F)

Faucet Aerators & Shower heads

Bath Aerator # installed?
Kitchen Aerator # installed?
with swivel head # installed?
with shutoff # installed?
with out shutoff # installed?
handheld # installed?


Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH)

Once "No" is an answer to any question or if the customer's home is for sale, stop asking questions in this section and proceed to the Cooling Assessment.

40-50 Gallon

The WARM Program auditor has explained to me how a heat pump water heater operates and how it can help reduce my electric usage. The auditor has also provided me with instructions on how to maintain the water heater to ensure its efficient operation. I agree to the installation of the heat pump water heater and I or another member of my household agrees to perform required water heater maintenance that includes regularly changing the filter and periodically checking to make sure the unit is draining properly.


Cooling Assessment


Cooling Load Reduction Measures: Summer Seasonal use of 2,000 kWh or more qualifies for roof coat/window film, ACs and/or shell measures if related to cooling.

Room AC units:Is the EER on the existing room AC 6 or lower as labeled, calculated or metered? If so, it can be replaced with an Energy Star rated unit, but the Summer Seasonal Use (kWh) must be 2,000 or more to replace 1 unit and 2,500 to replace 2 units and 3,000 to replace 3 units.

Unit Watts EER = BTU/hr Watts Replace AC? Current Size BTU/hr Current Location New Size BTU/hr Installed Location Replace Filter? Clean Filter?

Central AC: Replacement determined by kWh use and the SEER (age and efficiency) of the existing unit. Replace SEER 8 or less with SEER 13 or higher. Replacement requires FirstEnergy approval. Please note: Customer must have at least 3,000 kWh of summer use in order to qualify for replacement.

If no, install cover.

Duct work Sealing and/or Duct Installation: Are there obvious duct leaks in any duct work that is outside the thermal boundary?

Heat Pump: Replacement determined by kWh use and the HSPF (age and efficiency) of the existing unit. Replace HSPF 9 or less with HSPF 13 or higher. Replacement requires FirstEnergy approval. Please note: Customer must have at least 4,500 kWh of seasonal use in order to qualify for replacement.

Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump - Replacement requires FirstEnergy approval. To qualify for installation, the customer must have at kWh of total seasonal use and either installed electric baseboard heat, an electric furnace or electric thermal storage units as their primary heat source. If any question is answered with a "No", proceed to the next section of the audit.
Is the customer a homeowner and the home is not for sale?
Does the customer currently use electric baseboard heat, an electric furnace or electric thermal storage heat units?
Does the customer understand that the heat coming from a mini-split heat pump may feel different than their current heating and is receptive to the change?
Does the customer understand that there could be weather conditions when the mini-split may not satisfy their heating needs and it should be turned off?
Can the existing heat be used as a backup in conditions where the mini-split system will not functionefficiently (extreme cold, blowing and drifting snow, etc.)?
Is the home's electric wiring in good condition and does the panel have room for an additional breaker?
Does the floor plan of the heating areas being considered allow a sufficient flow of heat to satisfy the customer's comfort needs?
Is there sufficient space to mount indoor components and to allow air to circulate to and from the units?
Is there adequate space to install the outdoor unit in an area where it is not near sources of heat, steam or flammable gas?
Is the customer capable of efficiently using the remote control for the unit?
Is the customer willing/capable of cleaning the interior removable filters on a monthly basis and keeping the outdoor compressor free from yard debris/leaves, snow, etc.?
Do you, as the auditor, firmly believe that the installation of a mini-split system will lower the customer's electric heat kWh consumption?

The WARM Program auditor has explained to me how the ductless mini-split heater operates and how it can help reduce my electric usage. The auditor has also provided me with instructions on how to maintain the ductless mini-split to ensure its efficient operation. I agree to the installation of the ductless mini-split heater and I or another member of my household agrees to perform required maintenance that includes regularly changing the filters and periodically checking to make sure the outdoor compressor is free from yard debris and/or snow.


Electric Heat:

Note: If PCAP customer answers Yes, good opportunity to explain his/her program responsibilities.

Fossil Fuel Heating Assessment

Structure Assessment

A blower door test must be conducted if: the home has installed electric heat, AC is present with summer seasonal use of at least 2000 kWh, or electric space heaters are present with winter seasonal use of at least 2000 kWh. Use the Blower Door Testing Information Sheetto document the Building Airflow Standard (BAS), and the testing results.

If the blower door test indicates air sealing is to be performed, indicate location of air leaks.

Mechanical Ventilation

Floor Bathrooms:
Floor Bathrooms:

House Photos

AAccess VVentilation
HRecessed heat producing device 01Other
DDropped soffit/ceiling/bulkhead 02Other
IExisting insulation 03Other
SStored Items 04Other
FFloor 05Other

Basement/Crawl Spaces/Mobile Home Belly

Basement Air Sealing:

Decide if the basement and/or crawl space is inside/outside the thermal and pressure boundaries. Then decide if air sealing/insulation should be at the basement and/or crawl space perimeter or at ceiling.


Area Location Sq Ft Existing Effective R Value Add R New Insulation Type Comments (such as joists running lengthwise or widthwise - 16" or 24" joist bay size)
Floor/Crawl Space
If not, please block them!
Area Location Sq Ft Existing Effective
R Value
Add R New Insulation
Unfloored Attic 1
Unfloored Attic 2
Unfloored Attic 3
Floored Attic 1
Floored Attic 2
Finished Attic
Kneewall Floored
Kneewall Unfloored
Vertical Kneewall
Vertical Kneewall

Attic Ventilation

Ventilation Type Proposed Additional Ventilation Location Comments
Roof Vent
Gable Vent
Soffit Vent
Ridge Vent

Attic Access:

Horizontal attic access - insulate to at least equivalent R value of surrounding surfaces
Vertical openings - insulate to equivalent R value of surrounding surfaces
Pull down stairs - insulate to at least equivalent R value of surrounding surfaces
Be sure to dam the access if it will remain operable.
Heat Producing Fixtures
Are there recessed heat producing fixtures?
How many recessed fixtures are there?
If you are going to insulate the attic floor or air seal the fixtures, please continue.
When complete, the recessed fixtures must not leak air into the attic and dams must be able to be seen from the attic unless they are under the attic floor.
Be sure to dam any chimney flues.

Cantilever Overhangs

Area Location Sq Ft Existing Effective
R Value
Add R New Insulation Type Comments
Bay Window

Side Walls

sq ft
sq ft
sq ft
sq ft

Other Zones such as attached garage

Area Sq Ft Existing Effective R Value Add R New Insulation Type Comments
Garage Ceiling
Garage to outside Observation (Check 1)

Air Leakage Testing

Total CFM for the people (P)
Floor (1st, 2nd, etc) Width x Length x = Area (sq ft) x Ceiling Height = Volume x .35 ACH Divide by 60 mins = CFM N (B)
Number of Stories above grade N Factor
CFM 50
Check all that apply:
CFM 50,
CFM 50,

If unvented combustion appliances exist, don't air seal the home below 0.5 ACHn; however, always air seal the attic from the living space regardless of BAS or existing CFM50. Follow ASHRAE62.89 and the Air Sealing Procedure in the WARM Manual.

Thermal Boundary: In or Out? What was blower door set at? House/Zone Zone/Outside
Zones In Out Pre-Treat Final Pre-Treat Final Pre-Treat Final
Vented Crawl
Attic A
Attic B
Kneewall A
Kneewall B
Cantilever Overhang
Garage Attic
Garage (45pa or less proceed below)
Garage Door Closed/Open Testing CFM 50 Open CFM 50 Closed CFM 50 Difference % Diff (CFM 50 Diff/CFM 50 CL)*100
(Section 4-69) Value (Pre/Post)
Register #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
Pre Post
Pre Post
Pre Post
Pre Post
Pre Post
Pre Post
Pre Post
Pre Post

Note: Number registers by floor going away from Air Handler Unit (AHU). Register #1 will always be the one closest to AHU.

Copy this page for as many tests that are needed. Typically, there should be two of this form, one for pre-work testing and one for post-work testing.

Combustion Safety Testing

Combustion Equipment Safety Tests must be performed if any air sealing will be done or is done. If post-treatment blower door test is lower than the pre-treatment test, the chart below MUST be completed. Refer to the Procedure Manual for complete testing procedure.

CO Initial Reading CO After 5-10 Min Gas Leak Det Y/N Flame Rollout Y/N Spillage after 5 min Cold Vent Y/N Spillage after 2 min Warm Vent Y/N* CO Flue CO Pass Y/N Optional
Appliance AMB CAZ AMB CAZ Stack Temp O2 Eff.
Water Heater
Gas Range

*Calculate combustion air requirement in the case where there is spillage at one minute (Y) or where the draft pressure test fails (N). The standard method for calculating the required CAZ volume to provide sufficient air is 50 cubic ft for every 1,000 BTUH of combined appliance input.

the cu. ft. volume of combustion air required.


Write in visual inspection results for each burner (i.e. OK, Adjust, Clean).


If CO at oven vent is 225 ppm or more, install CO alarm and recommend service. No air sealing is allowed until CO level drops below 225 ppm.


AMB = Ambient, CAZ = Combustion Appliance Zone, Det = Detected, W/C = Worst Case Conditions, NAT = Natural, Temp = Temperature, Eff = Efficiency C

Pa = Pascal, IWC = Inches of Water Column: 50 Pa. = .2 IWC, 25 Pa. = .1 IWC, 1 Pa. = 0.00401 IW
CO Thresholds for Fossil-Fuel Fired Combustion Appliances

Appliance Threshold Limit

  • Central Furnace (all categories) - 400 ppm air free
  • Boiler - 400 ppm air free
  • Floor Furnace - 400 ppm air free
  • Gravity Furnace - 400 ppm air free
  • Wall Furnace (BIV) - 200 ppm air free
  • Wall Furnace (Direct Vent) - 400 ppm air free
  • Vented Room Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Unvented Room Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Water Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Oven/Broiler - 225 ppm as measured
  • Clothes Dryer - 400 ppm air free
  • Refrigerator 25 ppm as measured
  • Gas Log (gas fireplace) 25 ppm as measured in vent
  • Gas Log (installed in wood burning fireplace) - 400 ppm air free in firebox
Select Appliances on
At Worst Case Test:

Copy this page for as many tests that are needed. Typically, there should be two of this form, one for pre-work testing and one for post-work testing.

Combustion Safety Testing

Combustion Equipment Safety Tests must be performed if any air sealing will be done or is done. If post-treatment blower door test is lower than the pre-treatment test, the chart below MUST be completed. Refer to the Procedure Manual for complete testing procedure.

CO Initial Reading CO After 5-10 Min Gas Leak Det Y/N Flame Rollout Y/N Spillage after 5 min Cold Vent Y/N Spillage after 2 min Warm Vent Y/N* CO Flue CO Pass Y/N Optional
Appliance AMB CAZ AMB CAZ Stack Temp O2 Eff.
Water Heater
Gas Range

*Calculate combustion air requirement in the case where there is spillage at one minute (Y) or where the draft pressure test fails (N). The standard method for calculating the required CAZ volume to provide sufficient air is 50 cubic ft for every 1,000 BTUH of combined appliance input.

the cu. ft. volume of combustion air required.


Write in visual inspection results for each burner (i.e. OK, Adjust, Clean).


If CO at oven vent is 225 ppm or more, install CO alarm and recommend service. No air sealing is allowed until CO level drops below 225 ppm.


AMB = Ambient, CAZ = Combustion Appliance Zone, Det = Detected, W/C = Worst Case Conditions, NAT = Natural, Temp = Temperature, Eff = Efficiency C

Pa = Pascal, IWC = Inches of Water Column: 50 Pa. = .2 IWC, 25 Pa. = .1 IWC, 1 Pa. = 0.00401 IW
CO Thresholds for Fossil-Fuel Fired Combustion Appliances

Appliance Threshold Limit

  • Central Furnace (all categories) - 400 ppm air free
  • Boiler - 400 ppm air free
  • Floor Furnace - 400 ppm air free
  • Gravity Furnace - 400 ppm air free
  • Wall Furnace (BIV) - 200 ppm air free
  • Wall Furnace (Direct Vent) - 400 ppm air free
  • Vented Room Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Unvented Room Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Water Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Oven/Broiler - 225 ppm as measured
  • Clothes Dryer - 400 ppm air free
  • Refrigerator 25 ppm as measured
  • Gas Log (gas fireplace) 25 ppm as measured in vent
  • Gas Log (installed in wood burning fireplace) - 400 ppm air free in firebox
Select Appliances on
At Worst Case Test:

Copy this page for as many tests that are needed. Typically, there should be two of this form, one for pre-work testing and one for post-work testing.

Combustion Safety Testing

Combustion Equipment Safety Tests must be performed if any air sealing will be done or is done. If post-treatment blower door test is lower than the pre-treatment test, the chart below MUST be completed. Refer to the Procedure Manual for complete testing procedure.

CO Initial Reading CO After 5-10 Min Gas Leak Det Y/N Flame Rollout Y/N Spillage after 5 min Cold Vent Y/N Spillage after 2 min Warm Vent Y/N* CO Flue CO Pass Y/N Optional
Appliance AMB CAZ AMB CAZ Stack Temp O2 Eff.
Water Heater
Gas Range

*Calculate combustion air requirement in the case where there is spillage at one minute (Y) or where the draft pressure test fails (N). The standard method for calculating the required CAZ volume to provide sufficient air is 50 cubic ft for every 1,000 BTUH of combined appliance input.

the cu. ft. volume of combustion air required.


Write in visual inspection results for each burner (i.e. OK, Adjust, Clean).


If CO at oven vent is 225 ppm or more, install CO alarm and recommend service. No air sealing is allowed until CO level drops below 225 ppm.


AMB = Ambient, CAZ = Combustion Appliance Zone, Det = Detected, W/C = Worst Case Conditions, NAT = Natural, Temp = Temperature, Eff = Efficiency C

Pa = Pascal, IWC = Inches of Water Column: 50 Pa. = .2 IWC, 25 Pa. = .1 IWC, 1 Pa. = 0.00401 IW
CO Thresholds for Fossil-Fuel Fired Combustion Appliances

Appliance Threshold Limit

  • Central Furnace (all categories) - 400 ppm air free
  • Boiler - 400 ppm air free
  • Floor Furnace - 400 ppm air free
  • Gravity Furnace - 400 ppm air free
  • Wall Furnace (BIV) - 200 ppm air free
  • Wall Furnace (Direct Vent) - 400 ppm air free
  • Vented Room Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Unvented Room Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Water Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Oven/Broiler - 225 ppm as measured
  • Clothes Dryer - 400 ppm air free
  • Refrigerator 25 ppm as measured
  • Gas Log (gas fireplace) 25 ppm as measured in vent
  • Gas Log (installed in wood burning fireplace) - 400 ppm air free in firebox
Select Appliances on
At Worst Case Test:

Copy this page for as many tests that are needed. Typically, there should be two of this form, one for pre-work testing and one for post-work testing.

Combustion Safety Testing

Combustion Equipment Safety Tests must be performed if any air sealing will be done or is done. If post-treatment blower door test is lower than the pre-treatment test, the chart below MUST be completed. Refer to the Procedure Manual for complete testing procedure.

CO Initial Reading CO After 5-10 Min Gas Leak Det Y/N Flame Rollout Y/N Spillage after 5 min Cold Vent Y/N Spillage after 2 min Warm Vent Y/N* CO Flue CO Pass Y/N Optional
Appliance AMB CAZ AMB CAZ Stack Temp O2 Eff.
Water Heater
Gas Range

*Calculate combustion air requirement in the case where there is spillage at one minute (Y) or where the draft pressure test fails (N). The standard method for calculating the required CAZ volume to provide sufficient air is 50 cubic ft for every 1,000 BTUH of combined appliance input.

the cu. ft. volume of combustion air required.


Write in visual inspection results for each burner (i.e. OK, Adjust, Clean).


If CO at oven vent is 225 ppm or more, install CO alarm and recommend service. No air sealing is allowed until CO level drops below 225 ppm.


AMB = Ambient, CAZ = Combustion Appliance Zone, Det = Detected, W/C = Worst Case Conditions, NAT = Natural, Temp = Temperature, Eff = Efficiency C

Pa = Pascal, IWC = Inches of Water Column: 50 Pa. = .2 IWC, 25 Pa. = .1 IWC, 1 Pa. = 0.00401 IW
CO Thresholds for Fossil-Fuel Fired Combustion Appliances

Appliance Threshold Limit

  • Central Furnace (all categories) - 400 ppm air free
  • Boiler - 400 ppm air free
  • Floor Furnace - 400 ppm air free
  • Gravity Furnace - 400 ppm air free
  • Wall Furnace (BIV) - 200 ppm air free
  • Wall Furnace (Direct Vent) - 400 ppm air free
  • Vented Room Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Unvented Room Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Water Heater - 200 ppm air free
  • Oven/Broiler - 225 ppm as measured
  • Clothes Dryer - 400 ppm air free
  • Refrigerator 25 ppm as measured
  • Gas Log (gas fireplace) 25 ppm as measured in vent
  • Gas Log (installed in wood burning fireplace) - 400 ppm air free in firebox
Select Appliances on
At Worst Case Test:

House Air Sealing

UI/Lin. Ft/# Location(s) Materials Labor Hrs

Attics Indicate areas where air sealing is needed and/or performed:

Air Sealing Measures: Materials Labor hrs Optional

WARM Measures and Installation Notes

To assist all the inspectors and evaluators, please complete the following as needed.

Measure(s) called for and refused by customer:

Measure called for and refused Customer Signature/Date
All the following forms must be attached to the job in WARM3 to qualify for invoice approval:

An additional 3 blower door tests may be performed to verify a continuous and effective pressure boundary (total of 5 per audit: 1 pre-work, 1 post-work and 3 for pressure boundary verification). Please record additional tests below.

Additional Zone Pressure Tests
WRT ---- > House to Outside House to Zone Zone to House
Date Zones Pre-Wx Post-WX Pre-Wx Post-WX Pre-Wx Post-WX
03/21/19 Attic -50 -50 -40 -50 -10 0